Our Team

Pastor Joshua Lehman Senior Pastor
Pastor Joshua Lehman was born and raised in the Metro Denver area of Colorado. He often says that through the faithful testimony of his mom, Brenda, he has been a part of a local New Testament church from the womb.
Josh’s leadership skills were evident from very early on…

Chad and Elizabeth Harrison Youth Pastor
Pastor Chad was born in Lapeer, Michigan to Todd and Rachel Harrison. He grew up in a youth pastor's home as the oldest of four boys. From an early age Chad had a desire to be a "cowboy preacher." When he was nine, his father took the position of senior pastor at Bible Baptist Church in Bloomington, Illinois. Chad watched with admiration at the way both his father and grandfather pastored the churches God had given them.

Michael Troester Pastoral Assistant
Michael Troester grew up the fourth son of five boys in New England. Throughout Michael’s life, his dad served as a pastor, choir director, Sunday school superintendent, and assisted various churches with pulpit supply. The Troester policy was when the doors were open they were in attendance. The boys were taught to seek to serve the Lord in whatever they became involved in.

Samuel Finneran Pastor
Pastor Samuel Finneran was born and raised in the countryside of Mount Vernon and was taught that church was an important part of life. Samuel always loved going to church, but at an early age, through Sunday school, AWANAS, and Bible teaching at home, he became aware that “church” wasn’t enough.