Our Beliefs
Our desire is not to “reinvent” church or how we “do church”. Our church’s main mission is to point lives to Lord Jesus Christ and develop their personal relationship with Him. It is our desire that we accomplish this mission through a Biblical pattern. Our goal is to pattern what we do, as a church, on the early church in Acts 2:42-47 and to emphasize these five “basics” of church life and the Christian life:
Discipleship in the word (vs. 42)
Because we believe that God speaks to us directly through His Word and that His Word has everything that we need to live godly in this world, we will preach the Word of God in our services, we will teach the Word of God in a variety of ways that readily applies to daily life, and we will encourage and challenge each individual to be growing through the consistent reading and studying of God’s Word.
Worship that exalts God (vs. 42, 47)
Because we believe that God alone is worthy of our worship, we will corporately worship in a way that draws attention to Him and Him alone and stirs our passions toward Him. Because we believe that we are commanded to pray, we will pray together and encourage the discipline of prayer in the lives of each person associated with our church.
Fellowship with each other (vs. 42, 46)
Because we believe that we are to be relationally involved in each other’s lives, we will encourage and stimulate fellowship among the body of Christ. This type of fellowship will create bonds of love that cannot easily be broken, accountability within the body of Christ, and a means by which care can be demonstrated.
Ministry to each other and to those outside our fellowship (vs. 44-45)
Because God has given each of us talents and abilities to be carefully used for His purposes, we will encourage the use of these talents and abilities to minister to each other within the body of Christ and to those who are not a part of this body to accomplish our God-given mission of pointing lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Evangelization of the lost (vs. 47)
Because we recognize that we are called to reach out to the world around us we will work to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our community, our nation and throughout our world through a variety of mission endeavors and our personal witness to the glory and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We simply desire to be a group of growing, God-honoring believers. One of the identifying marks of a God-honoring church is the maturity of those who make up the church. In order to facilitate the spiritual growth of our members, we will preach and teach the Word of God to our people and we will worship together in an atmosphere that directs our attention to the greatness and glory of our great God. We will seek to avoid dangerous practices such as employing trendy church growth models that employ a “growth at all costs mentality”, teaching that God’s Word is only found in one translation, using anything else but God’s Word for the care and cure of souls and any other practice or method that is contrary to God’s Word.