Thinking of Others

Key Verse: Philippians 2:3, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.”

Thought to Glow: Don’t let the weariness of life cause you to stop thinking about other people and their needs.

Passage: Mark 6:30-44

Jesus had given His disciples the power and authority to cast our demons, heal the sick and all diseases. They had just come back and were reporting to Jesus of all they had done and what they taught. They had given themselves wholly to the work and now they were exhausted. Jesus tells them to come apart privately and get some rest for a while. Yet, people from various surrounding cities had other plans. They outran the boat and met Jesus on the shore. Jesus, seeing this was moved with compassion and taught them many things until the day was far spent. Now that the day is over, the disciples tell Jesus to send them away so they can eat. 

The disciples were exhausted and their vacation day had already been interrupted. How rude of all these people! Yet, Jesus teaches the disciples a very important lesson. Life is about others, not about ourselves. Instead of sending the crowds away, Jesus instructs His disciples to feed the crowds and even asks the disciples to buy bread for them. John 6 tells us that Jesus did this to prove His disciples. Jesus wanted the disciples to understand life is about serving Jesus by serving others.

What about you? Do you spend your life focusing on yourself and your own needs? Or, do you focus your life in serving Jesus by serving others? What can you do today to put the needs of others above your own and please God?