Standing Up for Jesus

Key Verse: Daniel 1:8, “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.”

Thought to Glow: Standing firm for Jesus Christ will require humility, a purposed heart, and determination. 

Passage: Daniel 1

Can you imagine being taken from your home and made a slave in a foreign land? Everything you have known is gone. Daniel and his friends had this very thing happen to them. Now, they must figure out what to do. Yet, one thing Daniel already knows; he will not change his beliefs. Daniel will serve God no matter what the cost. Daniel was willing to give his own life, if need be, for His Savior. Because of this, Daniel was mightily blessed by God. Yet, so many others around him were caving under the pressure to serve false gods. What made Daniel so different from anyone else? 

Daniel was different because he was humble. Daniel was a bright young lad in whom was no blemish. Yet, when you read the story, his life wasn’t about himself; it was about God. Humility was key in Daniel’s life for standing firm. 

Daniel also lived with a purposed heart. He had already made the decision to serve God. This helped him stand firm when a difficult situation arose in his life.

Because Daniel had a purposed heart, he followed through with his decision and spoke to the prince of the eunuchs. Daniel was willing to defy an order from someone who could have killed Daniel. Yet, he didn’t back down. He didn’t cave under pressure; he stood firm.

Today, we must be like Daniel and stand firm in a world that is contrary to God. Determine today, I will stand for Christ.