Pastor Samuel Finneran

Pastor Samuel Finneran was born and raised in the countryside of Mount Vernon and was taught that church was an important part of life. Samuel always loved going to church, but at an early age, through Sunday school, AWANAS, and Bible teaching at home, he became aware that “church” wasn’t enough.

“God began working in my heart and mind to reveal that if the Lord were to return “today,” I was not ready. I deserved eternal punishment for my sins and had not yet received God’s gift of salvation and redemption from my sins. The following day on Sunday, November 4th, 2001, I went forward at the altar call and prayed for Jesus to save me. He most graciously and mercifully did just that.”

Samuel always found joy in serving the Lord at church. His church encouraged young people to serve the Lord in many ways, and he served by singing in the youth choir, playing the piano, leading congregational singing, ministering at the nursing home ministry, singing, and accompanying special music, and helping his family clean the church.

After graduating high school, Samuel attended Bible college in North Carolina. Upon graduating with a one-year Bible certificate, he was unsure what God wanted him to pursue with his life. Growing up, his ambition was to join the United States Marine Corps, but through many talks with the Lord and seeking His will, God made it clear that assisting the Pastor and serving in the church was where he found his joy in life. So, with that in mind, Samuel returned to Bible College to pursue a theology degree.

Prior to college, at age 16, God brought a young lady named Tabatha to Samuel’s church. He developed a friendship with her and grew to love her attending church and serving together at Peniel Bible Camp. Five years later, they were married and now have three beautiful children together: Joseph, Mary, and David.

Over the last five years, the Finnerans have had the opportunity to assist the Pastor of the church that Samuel attended while in college, leading the music program, leading the teen youth group, and teaching the teen Sunday school class. They also had the opportunity to fulfill a two-year internship as the assistant pastor of the church where he grew up. He was privileged to preach, assist with the music program, and teach the teen Sunday school class.

After fulfilling the internship, God moved them to Mount Vernon Baptist Temple, where they have been serving faithfully wherever needed. Samuel and Tabatha currently oversee our children’s ministries with Children’s Church and Master Clubs. Samuel also serves as our Outreach Pastor, and Tabatha serves as our Kitchen Coordinator.